Thursday, September 25, 2014

'Human Behavior'

With the Understanding that all so-called 'human behavior' is Consciousness acting through these instruments and there is no independent doer of any action, the subject becomes moot: and the judgment that there is something not okay and needing to be changed subsides.  Shiva, the Lord of the Dance, dances the dance of the Heart; and All of This simply Is.

There are no mistakes.  It is not possible to make a mistake.  You are not the doer of any action, the experiencer of any experience.  How can you be the maker of any mistake?

Perfect Brilliant Stillness
David Carse

Friday, July 11, 2014

Perfect Brilliant Stillness

From eternity, without time, I Am, the unborn.  Just as a dream begins at some point during sleep, so 'at some point' That I Am appears as Consciousness here, and this world comes into being.  I open my eyes: there is experiencing of life in this apparent body/mind.  After a certain span of experiencing, I close my eyes: the world ceases to be and from eternity I Am, the unborn.

David Carse
"Perfect Brilliant Stillness"

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We are so busy.  Moving.  We moved into our beautiful home 6 months after we were married.  6 months!  We were newlyweds.  34 years later we're an empty nest.  Full circle.  So we're moving on.  To the big city.  Small space, restaurants near by, a grown child and his wife around the corner.  New friends.  Two cats.  It's nice. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Handspring Puppet Company

TED talk about the puppet company who made the horses for the theatre production of 'War Horse'.

The Universe is endlessly creative. 

Just watch this.