I climbed this rock with my daughter while visiting her in Boulder, CO. Have never, ever attempted anything like this before. If she had told me what I was in for I probably would have found a nice coffee shop and waited for her return with pictures. She was sneaky. 'Let's go for a final hike before you head home tomorrow, mommy.' Mommy. How could I resist? Hiked a variety of trails the entire time I was there. Loved every one of them. But this one . . . .
1200 feet up. UP. No gentle up and down. UP. Rock steps. Huffing and puffing. Then down. DOWN. In sneakers. During a thunderstorm. The back end of my shorts were pretty dirty. Sitting and holding on was the best way down for me in a couple of spots.
Now, mind you, while I was ready to strangle my dauther, a jogger passed gracefully by. Oblivious to the UP or DOWN. Sure footed, nice strong lungs, tipped his hat. For heaven's sake! Really?! I felt like such a dope.
Actually, once we completed the journey I was quite, quite proud of myself. Next year I'll wear hiking boots when we climb this trail. Again.